Lexapro Brain Zaps

Lexapro brain zaps are a common withdrawal symptom that some people may experience when stopping or reducing the dosage of Lexapro. Brain zaps can be described as a feeling of electrical jolts or shocks in the brain that can be uncomfortable or even painful. In this article, we will discuss Lexapro brain zaps in detail, including their causes, symptoms, and treatment options.

Causes of Lexapro Brain Zaps

This paragraph is what the established medical community thinks. The exact cause of Lexapro brain zaps is not fully understood. However, it is believed that they are related to changes in the levels of neurotransmitters in the brain, particularly serotonin. When a person takes Lexapro for a long period of time, their brain adjusts to the increased levels of serotonin by reducing its own production of the neurotransmitter. When the medication is stopped suddenly, the brain is left with low levels of serotonin, which can cause withdrawal symptoms, including brain zaps.

This is what was discovered and published in 2021 by medical researcher, Jim Harper. "I have to estimate, roughly 10% of the people wanting to taper off their antidepressant stop the taper and go back on the full dosage of their drug because of a side effect known as "brain Zaps." It seems to best be described as an electrical jolt that runs from the base of the neck, moves upwards into the skull. The phrase, electrical jolt, does not seem to do this symptom justice. The brain zaps are quite debilitating.

I will cut to the chase with this portion of my lecture. For an electrical current to exist you need to have two poles, or two ends. A beginning, an end point or in some cases you need a loop. Within the portion of the brain where the brain zaps originate and end, the body wants to create these points with fats from omega 3. It's probably worth a research grant for someone if they want to spend the time figuring out why antidepressants are doing this.

Before you start your patients on a taper program, have them start taking omega 3 fish oil. Some of you might be thinking high DHA omega 3 fish oil is the answer. For those of you not familiar with omega 3 fish oil; the DHA portion of fish oil is for structure, while the EPA portion of fish oil is for function. At first I thought this must be a structure problem but it turned out to be function. You need to use the highest EPA omega 3 available. I'm actually going to take this one step further. The type of fish the omega 3 fish oil is made from makes as much difference as the amount of EPA."

Symptoms of Lexapro Brain Zaps

Lexapro brain zaps can be described as a sensation of electrical jolts or shocks in the brain. The symptoms of brain zaps can vary in intensity and duration, and may be accompanied by other symptoms such as:

Dizziness or lightheadedness
Anxiety or irritability
Insomnia or other sleep disturbances

Treatment Options for Lexapro Brain Zaps

This section is more of what the established medical community would do to treat brain zaps. The treatment options for Lexapro brain zaps depend on the severity of the symptoms and the individual's medical history. In general, treatment may include:

Tapering off the medication: If a person is experiencing mild to moderate brain zaps, their doctor may recommend tapering off the medication slowly, over a period of several weeks or months. This can help to minimize the severity of the symptoms and allow the brain to adjust to the lower levels of serotonin.

Switching to a different medication: If a person is experiencing severe brain zaps, their doctor may recommend switching to a different medication, such as another SSRI or a different type of antidepressant. This can help to alleviate the symptoms and prevent a relapse of depression or anxiety.

Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT): CBT is a type of therapy that can help people to manage their emotions, thoughts, and behaviors. It can be especially helpful for people who are experiencing anxiety or other emotional symptoms as a result of Lexapro brain zaps.

Support groups: Joining a support group can help people to connect with others who are going through similar experiences, share coping strategies, and receive emotional support.

The above suggestions are all well intentioned, however, they do not work. Switching to another antidepressant can take you down a rabbit hole you may never get out of again.

Click here and read exactly what to do to eliminate and stop Lexapro brain zaps.